Getting Started: Application for School Training

Every year, the PBIS State Leadership Team selects Minnesota schools that apply to take part in our 2-year PBIS implementation training cohort. Our Regional Implementation Projects coordinate training and support implementation in the northern, southern and metro areas of our state.

There are two options – in-person and online through a virtual connection. Use the information provided in the following sections to decide which type of participation would best meet your needs. Contact us if you have any questions about getting started.

Cohort 21 Applications are submitted to the Minnesota Department of Education

Apply online for In-Person Cohort 21 (Only online applications submitted via this page will be accepted for review).

Cohort 21 Virtual Training Application **

This application is for teams choosing VIRTUAL training**

For VIRTUAL Cohort 21 training we will provide VIRTUAL team training three times per school year for two years (nine days total). All training will be held using the Zoom platform.

Virtual Cohort 21 Applications are submitted to the Minnesota Department of Education

Access the training dates for each region:

Reach out to your listed regional coordinator if you have not yet applied and have questions about timelines, including deadlines and notifications.