School Teams: Teams
Membership on PBIS school teams should represent the demographics of your school.
Consider representatives that include: administrators, general education teachers, special education teachers, behavioral specialists, guidance counselors, school psychologists, specials teachers, paraprofessionals, parents and/or students.
Once a team is established, roles and responsibilities should be clearly denoted for all members, in order to have a fully functioning team.
Possible Roles for PBIS Team Members
- Facilitator - starts the meeting, reviews the purpose of the meeting, facilitates the meeting by keeping the team focused on each step
- Minute-taker - takes notes, completes, and distributes minutes within 24 hours of completion of meeting.
- Timekeeper - monitors the amount of time available, keeps the team aware of time limits by giving “warnings” (i.e., “10 minutes left”)
- Data analyst - trained in accessing data from discipline data system. Is ready to report Core Data Reports. Analyzes data and creates precision statements for team action planning. Notifies facilitator of potential new problems to add to agenda prior to meeting.
- Administrator - actively encourages team efforts, provides planning time, feedback, and supports initiatives.
- Communications – acts as the point person for communication between the team and staff regarding PBIS and behavior issues.
- Norms observer – may “call” norms and at the close of the meeting reflect on what the team can celebrate and what they need to refine at the next meeting.
- PBIS coaches - district-level (external) and school-based (internal) individuals that facilitate the team through the process and become the school/district’s main PBIS contacts.