Summer Institute 2022

Thanks to all who participated and helped with the 2022 Virtual Minnesota PBIS Summer Institute on June 15 and 16. If you missed the live Institute this year, you can access the recordings from all sessions.

The 2022 Summer Institute focused on connecting PBIS with practices that promote equitable outcomes in education, and aligning initiatives in the PBIS framework.

Dr. Kevin Filter, Minnesota State University, Mankato, provided the Day 1 keynote. Dr. Filter is involved with school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports (SW-PBIS) in Minnesota, serving as a trainer, State Leadership Team (SLT) member and evaluation specialist.

Brandon Jones, Executive Director, Minnesota Association for Child’s Mental Health (MACMH), provided the Day 2 keynote. Brandon has a consulting and training background in addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Historical and Intergenerational trauma, Social/Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Leadership and Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), and is a SLT member.

Download agenda with presenters, topics and descriptions of sessions.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022 (Day 1 of 2)

9:00 AM – 9:15 AM

Welcome and Opening Remarks about PBIS in Minnesota
Facilitated By: Eric Kloos, Assistant Director, Special Education Division



9:15 AM – 10:15 AM

Keynote Address: “Commitment Issues:
 Understanding and Supporting Staff Buy-in for PBIS.”
Presenter: Kevin Filter, Ph.D., Researcher, Professor, and PBIS trainer



10:25 AM – 11:25 AM
Breakout Sessions

Using Restorative Practices in a PBIS Framework
Presenters: Mary Aery and Missy Freeman from Cass Lake-Bena Middle School



Evidence-Based Classroom Practices that Create Consistent Adult Actions
Presenters: Cheryl Cook Glad, C&C, LLC and PBIS Trainer; and Michele Wackman, Lead School Psychologist at Central Park Elementary in Roseville and PBIS Trainer



11:35 AM – 12:35 PM
Breakout Sessions

School Examples of Supporting Students’ Mental Health Needs through a PBIS Lens
Presenters: Becki Church from Leaf River, White Pine, Elm Tree Academies and Anna Skidmore and Ashley Landru from Morristown 5-8



PBIS Film Festival will Highlight How Schools and Agencies use Videos to Support their Work in PBIS
Facilitated By: John Beach, Principal of Princeton Intermediate School and PBIS trainer



Thursday, June 16, 2022 (Day 2 of 2)

9:00 AM – 9:05 AM

Welcome and Opening Remarks about PBIS in Minnesota
Facilitated By: Erin Engness, North PBIS Coordinator


9:05 AM – 10:15 AM

Keynote Address:“Rethinking Trauma-Informed Care to Support Sustainable Wellness”
Presenter: Brandon Jones, Executive Director at Minnesota Association for Children’s Mental Health



10:25 AM – 11:25 AM
Breakout Sessions

An Integrative Approach to Tier I Supports
Presenters: Megan Gruis, Ed.S. and Clay Cook, Ph.D. from Character Strong and Lindsay Butzer, LSC, PBIS Coach from Laketown Elementary in Waconia



Practical Use of Multiple Data Sources for PBIS Action Planning
Presenters: Jessica Becker from Parker Elementary School and Mark Ziebarth from Isanti Intermediate/School for All Seasons



11:35 AM – 12:35 PM

PBIS Sustaining Exemplar Ceremony
Recognize and Celebrate Schools from across the state, then listen to St. Cloud Area School District 742’s inspiring school story of PBIS Implementation over time and lessons learned.



Past Summer Institutes & Film Festivals Information and Handouts

More information and handouts for the most recent Summer Institutes & Film Festivals can be found at the Past Summer Institutes & Film Festivals page, including recorded sessions in recent years.

For past 2013-2017 Summer Institute information and handouts, please contact